Adventures in Potty Training: How Day 3 went and How I am continuing

Man my titles just get longer it feels like. There is also a lack of continuity in them but oh well.


Yesterday was Day 3 of the 3 Day Potty Training technique I decided to try. I posted in yesterday’s post on how the beginning of the day went and just to recap real quick: she had two accidents (that I can remember) but other than those two accidents, she went pretty much every time after that on the potty.

Also, my husband’s Saturday gaming group (Friday night is Pathfinder, Saturday is DnD…5th edition I think) was here at 1.30 (they’re supposed to be here at 1 but they always late- just a quick throwing them under the bus since they don’t read this blog) and they usually stay until 7.30-8. So instead of pausing my spawn’s potty training for the day, I continued with it as soon as she woke up from her nap.

I say that last part like they would have objected but that’s not the case. It was more of a mental battle because that’s 7 people total in my place using 1 bathroom.

Ultimately making sure my child didn’t regress in her potty training was more important.

And I think only 2 of them used the bathroom more than twice throughout the day.

Anywho, yesterday went really well after she got up from her nap. She had no accidents. I was asking her every 30 minutes if she needed to go. She went almost every time. She had also started going by herself. As in, she would run to the bathroom and I would follow her to help her wipe.

I was worried about the fact that it was day 3 and she hadn’t pooped in almost two days. But as soon as I put her pull up on after her shower, she pooped within 30 minutes. So having her be comfortable with pooping in the potty is something I need to work on along with doing night time potty training.

Today is Day 4 and it is going super well so far *knock on wood* (I have a wood coffee table stand thing so I am actually knocking on wood). She has had no accidents. She has had on the same underwear since about 7 and it’s almost time for lunch and then her nap, so, serious achievement.

Again, the only thing we have to work on is pooping in the toilet and, again, potty training at night.

Now, does the 3 Day Potty Training work?

Well, kind of yeah. At least for my spawn it does. And its legit just about repetition. Having that schedule. And when doing it for two days straight, by the third day it’s both unsurprising and a surprise that the toddler gets it. I know that doesn’t make much sense. But it’s like, unsurprising when you think about what had to be done to reach this goal. The constantly taking the child to the potty. Constantly asking them if they have to go. And even if they say no and the timer is up, taking them anyways.

It’s surprising because my spawn can be stubborn and didn’t want to have anything to do with the toilet this past year. And yet, within 3 days, she is now using the potty whenever she feels the need to pee.

I’ll maybe do an update at the end of the month on how night time potty training goes. Pay day is this upcoming week so along with a soft mattress topper for the little one, I will also be investing in one of those protective sheets to put on her bed and more underwear for her.

If I am lucky, she might be potty trained a good amount by the time my in-laws come in which will make going places a little easier.

Ah that is another thing to do put on the potty training list. Taking her out and seeing how she fares.

And I’m not deluded. I know there is going to be accidents. She is a child after all and that stuff happens. But I am very proud of my little one. She is becoming such a big girl.

…I am totally not crying right now.

Mahalo for reading and Happy Aloha Sunday!